Friday, 29 November 2013

By the time we have completed the first project which is about community service, now our lecturer have been given to our group another project or assignment to be completed. The second assignment is about interviewing 3 foreigner with different background and nationality. Before we only can proceed with the interview, our team need to prepare not more than 10 questions to be ask later. After we have ready the questions, we need to submit the draft of the questions via Edmodo to check by our lecturer.

Figure 30: Draft of questions

Next, after the draft have been approved, our team proceed to pick and choose the foreigner at UTHM library and manage to find them. We randomly ask the question to make sure each video recorded is not more or exceed 10 minutes. Below is our interview videos with the foreigner.

Video 3: Interview 1

Video 4: Interview 2

  Video 5: Interview 3

Finally our group have manage to complete all the task being given and now our group only focus on completing the final report to be submitted to the lecturer.

Wednesday, 13 November 2013

On 11th of November 2013, our team have successfully execute the project at SK Pintas Puding which is located at Parit Raja, Batu Pahat, Johor Darul Takzim. The target group is 30 Primary 5A students of that particular school. The students will be divided into 6 groups and each group contain 5 members.

 Figure 12: SK Pintas Puding

 Figure 13: 30 Primary 5A students of SK Pintas Puding

Below is the tentative of the program:- 

11 November 2013 (Monday)

9.00 am
9.30 am
Arrive at SK Pintas Puding

9.30 am
10.00 am
1st event “ Give a speech about cleanliness”

10.00 am
12.00 pm
2nd event  “ Explore race ”

12.00 pm
12.30 pm
Give souvenirs to the participants and school

12.30 pm


Before we start our program, around 9 am, some of our team members have hung the banners at the school canteen and the front gate of the school and others of the team members are still waiting at the computer lab.

Figure 14: Process of hanging the banner

Figure 15: Waiting to enter the computer lab

After that, the program officially start at around 9.30am, we start our program with Dua that being read by Mohamad Farid Suhaimi.

                                                              Figure 16: Recite the Dua 

Next, after the Dua, the project leader start with the speech about cleanliness via slideshow and it takes about 20 minutes including Q&A session. Beside that, a couple of videos have been shown to the students to motivate and increase awareness among them.

                                                              Figure 17: Speech time

                                                Video 1: Cleanliness is part of Imaan (faith)

                                                          Video 2: Saving Environment

After the speech and also process of showing the videos, our group proceed with the second event which are completing the puzzles, mazes and coloring. The fastest group of students which able to complete all the task will be nominate as the winner.

Figure 18: The coloring event

Figure 19: Assemble the puzzles

Figure 20: Completing the Mazes

Last but not least, our group have give the students the last main event which need them to sit in a group and give ideas about how we can keep or maintain the cleanliness other that what have being told to them during the speech given.

Figure 21: Discussion of ideas

Figure 22: More about discussion of ideas

After all the groups have complete wrote their ideas on the recycle papers, they are now ready for present about their ideas. 

Figure 23: Presentation of ideas

 Figure 24: More about presentation of ideas

Figure 25: Final group for the presentation of ideas

Last but not least, after we conclude all the event, it times to call for the best team or group base on their performance and time management.

Figure 26: Awarding prizes to the winners

Figure 27: Giving gift to other teams

Finally, after the program have reach the end, our team regroup with the students and also their teacher for photo session.

Figure 28: Photo session 1

Figure 29: Photo session 2

After the program was successfully being completed, now it is time for our team to prepared for the presentation on this coming 12th of December 2013.